Cinema and Comedy: Sometimes You Just Want To Laugh

Chris Hill May 24, 2013 0
Cinema and Comedy: Sometimes You Just Want To Laugh

Cinema and Comedy: Sometimes You Just Want To Laugh

As thrilling as action films and gritty dramas can be, sometimes people just want to have fun. The cinema is, first and foremost, an area of entertainment. Fortunately, there are some films out there that like to do just that. Case in point is the up-coming film The . With the potential available, is this the right recipe and direction for a high-quality comedy?
Funny, First and Foremost

If there’s one thing to learn from The Internship trailer, and arguably any modern comedy you’ve highly enjoyed for its laughs and entertainment, it’s not to let the subject matter get in the way of the purpose. This film’s purpose is to make people laugh. When it’s starring the likes of Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, this should come as no surprise.

Yet it’s very easy to fall into such pitfalls. The Internship has a simple plot about two salesmen trying to land an internship position at Google—a premise that could seem quite serious. However, this film’s main goal is to make you laugh.

Prime Potential

These aren’t cheap gimmicks either. Everything seems to be thought out, using the setting and context to its advantage, rather than simply throwing in the usual cheap laughs and gimmicks for a cheap movie experience. A prime example has to be the Patrick Stewart cameo; another sign of going to the right lengths to achieve the right laugh for the film.

Of course, the only way to tell is to wait for the film to come out later this year. That said, all the signs so far point to a very healthy and hilarious comedy that doesn’t get bogged down in anything else but being funny.


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