Featured Indiegogo project Simply Visual’s “MY MIND AND I”

Chris Hill May 23, 2013 0
Featured Indiegogo project Simply Visual’s “MY MIND AND I”


There are a few things that are of great interest to me. Initiative and indepent film being a couple of them. 18 year old student Anton Ljungberg peaks my interest in both.

born and raised in Malmö, Sweden. he is the director of the upcoming short film “My Mind and I”.

alongside two of his colleagues at “Simply Visual,” they  have been working hard for over a year with this project and have gone through vast preparations as they are now  ready to show it in its current state.

The short film is a psychological thriller that is based on a true story about a lonely man living in his cabin in the woods. The solitude has forced him to develop a second personality, which have led to major consequences.

Anton  began pondering about social disorders and how difficult it must be for one suffering from such ailments to adapt and blend in with the rest of society as well as the difficulty it must be to understand and accept people with such disabilities. Through an interesting yet exciting short film, they want to demonstrate this situation and change society’s perspective.

Together these three students, Anton Ljungberg (18), Johan Eriksson (17) and Max Shore (17), are studying film together in a school located in Malmö. they call themselves “Simply Visual”.

During the past year, they have been doing numerous projects for different companies and organizations. they also won a contest where the goal was to create a film preventing drinking and driving. After school,their plan is to continue working in and creating short films, commercials for companies, organizations and events.

They have recently created a campaign for “My Mind and I” where people are able donate to ther cause. The campaign contains videos, photos and text to show the audience goal towards creating the film and give further information.
You can find the campaign at http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/my-mind-and-i-short-film. in appreciation for a donation You will receive a perk from them as soon as the film is ready . Depending on on your donation, the perks may be anything from getting your name in the end credits, posters, DVD/Blu-ray versions of the film, as well as other fine gifts.


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