The film has an all-star cast including Nikki Reed (Twilight Franchise), Kate McKinnon (NBC’s SNL), Jay Pharaoh (NBC’s SNL), Jake Lacy (NBC’s The Office), Beck Bennett (NBC’s SNL), Brian McElhaney (Searching for Sonny), Nick Kocher (Searching for Sonny) and Gabriel Luna (Bernie). The film is directed by Andrew Disney (Searching for Sonny) and written by Bradley Jackson (Dealt).
There comes a time in every fifth-year senior’s life where they must either accept the impending ‘real world’ of jobs, marriage, and payment plans or shirk that responsibility in favor of playing the most glorious intramural football game your school probably doesn’t really care to see. This full throttle and hilarious send-up of inspirational sports movies harnesses every cliché and overused trope to tell the greatest (and only) intramural sports story of all time.