JASH – a comedy collective on – is led by comedy producer Daniel Kellison, along with fellow producers and Mickey Meyer. JASH features original content created by partners Sarah Silverman, Michael Cera, Tim & Eric and Reggie Watts – along with their comedic friends. Within the JASH network are the Buh and Video Podcast Network channels, which includes content from Paul Scheer, Norm Macdonald, Adam Carolla, The Earwolf Network and more.
JASH gives comedians and artists a platform to create and control their own digital content and fully share in the revenues. JASH attracts top-tier talent by providing them with the financing, production resources, editing facilities and personnel to create quality online videos. All collaborating partners are given complete autonomy to make short films, sketches, series, one-offs, talk-shows, animation and music videos. The goal of JASH is to gather the most distinct and brightest talent to form a comedy artists’ collective.
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