Two of Hollywood’s finest have unexpectedly announced their intentions to take a break from acting after a series of leading roles appears to have taken its toll.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Ryan Gosling have recently told the media that they plan on taking a break from acting following the releases of their latest movies; Baz Lurhmann’s The Great Gatsby and Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street for DiCaprio and the Derek Cianfrance’s The Place Beyond The Pines, Nicolas Winding Refn’s Only God Forgives and the untitled Terrence Malick drama for Gosling.
Both the highly regarded actors started out in teenage heartthrob roles, namely, Romeo and Juliet and Titanic, which gave DiCaprio his big break, and Gosling role as every girl’s dream man, Noah, in The Notebook.
But it is the roles they have taken on in recent years that have established the duo as serious actors; films such as The Departed turned DiCaprio into an actor to be reckoned with and Drive was a turning point in Gosling’s career as it dragged him from teenage dreamboat to hard man in just a few short scenes.
But it seems that the recent bombardment of both DiCaprio and Gosling movies has lead the actors to take a step back. After working on Django Unchained, The Great Gatsby and The Wolf of Wallstreet in quick succession, DiCaprio has worn himself out and hopes that some much needed down time will give him the opportunity to work on environmental issues which has been a passion of his for some years.
Similarly, the six films that Gosling has starred in during the past 3 years have lead the Drive and Ides of March actor to express his desire to take a step back and work on his craft.
But their adoring public need not fear for LOVEFILM is at hand when these actors are not; for moments when only a darkened room filled with your favourite actor will do, you can watch movies online for free. Stream movies, including some Leo and Ryan movie greats, through LOVEFILM, Netflix and Blinkbox such as The Aviator and The Ides of March in addition to gaining access whole host of DVD’s and Blu-Ray’s such as Romeo and Juliet and The Notebook available for rental.