The UK asked what in this day and age constitutes manliness and conversely what makes you look like you are testicularly challenged? The fine folks over at Ladbrokes decided to take a poll and have delivered to us answers to the questions we never thought to ask, yet rightfully should have. Are you wondering what might have been asked to see if your behavior is conducive to the survey?
First off if you are the type of fella that suffers spontaneous bouts of facial leakage (crying), does your musical taste line up primarily with songs about trucks and sleeping with your sister (Country Music) or are you so in love with yourself that you can’t help but take pouty mouthed selfies like you are one of those deplorable Kardashians?(The only word to describe this behavior is Wrong) then you might want to buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride. That’s not to say you are not a gentleman it’s just to say that you’re a bit on the softer side and might want to seek either testosterone replacement therapy to harden you up a bit or at the very least consider the use of a tampon to sop up your weakness.