“Profile” Of A New Movie Platform New York Actor Comes Home

Chris Hill March 4, 2014 0


profile2 Profile Of A New Movie Platform New York Actor Comes Home

I have had the opportunity to view ‘Profile of a Killer’ It is an exceptional thriller, deserving to be seen on the big screen

Tugg is breathing new life into independent cinema with their Theatrical-On-Demand platform.  Profile of a Killer is the latest film to embrace this new way of getting a movie directly into theaters without a distributor.  If they are able to sell the 84 tickets needed by March 20th the theater will be theirs to screen their psychological thriller and star of the film, Gabriele Angieri, will be hosting a Q & A.  Gabe is an NY native and graduate of Queens College, who left acting 20 years ago to move to Minnesota.  He returns to acting with this role and for him, it’s  a homecoming of sorts; “Coming back home after this long of an absence is both humbling and exhilarating”, says Angieri. The film has been building a steady following, with critics describing it as “an immensely engaging game of psychosomatic cat and mouse and “will enhance your expectations about what you thought possible in the world of independent film”.
The event is scheduled for 7:30pm on Thursday, March 20th at the Showcase Cinemas in Valley Stream, NY


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