Chris Hill July 16, 2013 0


Combining fairytale, horror, and mind blowing practical SFX, ‘HE TOOK HIS SKIN OFF FOR ME’ is an exciting short film that pursues the title’s shocking premise to its startling conclusion. Adapted from a short story by award winning author Maria Hummer, the film depicts a couple’s relationship after a man decides to take off his skin for his girlfriend. As you’d expect, it probably wasn’t the best idea. Summarized by director Ben Aston, “The fact is, taking off your skin just to be with somebody… It’s only ever going to end messy”.

On the surface the story delights in the simple, domestic problems that result from having no skin- eg. stains on the carpet, losing clients at work. However the film is reaching for something far deeper. In the words of the filmmakers – “It’s a cautionary tale of someone completely changing themselves for another person. A love that demands such a one-way sacrifice of anyone is fundamentally doomed. The story urges us to see a poisonous relationship for what it really is – horrifying.”  Knowing this, the would-be freak show becomes a thought provoking sci-fi-fairytale, a fusion of the realist and the surreal, and something truly unique.

The team are also fans of classical SFX; “It’s an art form that’s slowly slipping away from the way we make films, which is ridiculous as the tangible, tactile quality of in-camera effects are un-simulatable. CGI is incredible, but it’s a tool like any other and has to be used appropriately. It might be more time consuming, the the rewards for the audience far outweigh the costs”

In order to create an entirely skinless man, the prosthetics team is up for an exciting challenge – one which living legend Colin Arthur (project SFX mentor) is ready for.  For those of you who don’t know the name, you’ll know him from his work. Colin is responsible for Falkor and other creatures from Never Ending Story, as well as the Apes in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. The team shot some incredible test footage, a picture of which leaked and got over 90,000 views on Reddit! (http://imgur.com/NybU21Z)

Interest in the project is undeniable, but the costs aren’t. The London-based director has already put in £7,000 of his own money, and is looking for additional funding to give life to this unique tale. If you want to be a part of something truly original, then check out their Kickstarter campaign, where you can find a complete description of the project.




assorted links —-

Kickstarter - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/benaston/he-took-his-skin-off-for-me-a-practical-sfx-short

Full makeup test on vimeo - 

official website - www.hetookhisskinoffforme.com

facebook - 

twitter – @SkinShortFilm

Ben Aston twitter @BenAstonDir



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