Mark Wahlberg Doesnt Give a Fuck What You Did.

Chris Hill November 13, 2013 0
Mark Wahlberg Doesnt Give a Fuck What You Did.

Photo1 Mark Wahlberg Doesnt Give a Fuck What You Did.


Last night at AFI fest after the world premier gala of Lone Survivor, A somber Mark Wahlberg took the the stage with Director Peter Berg as well as former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell,  whose story the film is based on. Wahlberg was a class act wanting to keep the focus on Marcus rather than himself. Wahlberg went on a bit of a tirade when asked how grueling it was filming, He spoke of preparing for a film role saying “I dont give a fuck what you did”, Saying that sitting in a makeup chair for 2 hours and then at the end of the day going to your hotel and ordering chicken is a far cry from what Veterans go through. Possibly a reaction to Tom Cruise’ recent comments where he compared filming to war. Regardless Wahlbergs comments rang true garnering a huge applause and letting the spotlight shift back to the real hero Luttrell. Luttrell went on to describe how he tried to help Berg make the film as accurate and authentic as possible, to the delight of the audience he was given time to recognize his supporters in attendance, including his beloved wife who picked him up out of a dark whole when he needed it most. The entire conversation was very moving and very respectful of our soldiers, particularly for it being the day after Veterans Day.


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