With the release of Wolverine on DVD coming up on Dec 3rd, I thought what if superheroes didn’t heal themselves or have there own personal Doctor? What if they had to deal with the rigors of our national healthcare system? Outside of Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark its not like these guys are independently wealthy. You have to think that Peter Parker isn’t breaking the bank at the Daily Planet. Thankfully Wolverine has regenerative powers due to his Adamantium skeleton or he would be in a world of hurt, what is he going to do to pay for healthcare? Win a hipster sideburns contest. At the end of the day getting fixed up after a fight costs some serious cash, a hazard of the industry. Thankfully we knew some guys set them up in a lab and let them know that nobody leaves till we get results. They put there brains to the test, they analyzed the data they crunched the numbers then utilizing the proper amount of elbow grease, they were able to create this great info-graphic that breaks it all down.
Click on the link below and check it out. It has everything from Catwoman’s mental therapy to Harvey dent filing a claim for facial disfigurement. ( I have to think they would just pay a lump cash sum, there is no corrective procedure to fix two-faces jacked up grill)