Starring: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston
Director:Gareth Edwards
The king of sub b monster movies is back with another reboot, this time Godzilla is not just a giant lizard but the physical embodiment of earth’s protector. While man thinks it can handle everything on its own, mother nature’s superhero rises from the murky depths of the to deliver a super sized ass whooping to the modern day versions of Mothra.
Even with an update Godzilla looks dated. The mushy body and plump haunches look more like a supersized green Barney than a reaper of destruction. If you shrunk him down he would just be a cute little biped lizard sitting under a heat lamp. The updated head is the only success, shoulders down Godzilla is a pile of garbage. At least Godzilla isn’t like The female Monster of film who looks like she has a giant day glow scrota sack hanging between her legs carrying her offspring.
This is one super sized disaster film that needs more disaster, when the entire premise relies on giant monsters the ratio of descrtuction scene vs scene of Elizabeth Olsen crying should not be one to one. It’s not all just big monsters and large scale destruction, there is a plot, even if it is longwinded.
Bryan Cranston’s is trying desperately to figure out what killed his wife, refusing to believe it was a faultynuclear reactor. He has discovered a pattern of present day Electro Magentic Pulses similar to those that took place on the fateful day 15 years prior. When he gets arrested for being in a forbidden zone his son Ford (Aaron Taylor-Johnson of KickAss Fame) fly’s to Japan to try to tell his dad to get over the death of his mom. Unfortunately for the world Joe Brody was right and a giant Monster is unleashed. Crossing the Pacific it destroys sections of Hawaii on its way to rendezvous with its better half in San Francisco.
The arrogance of the military is that they first thought they could contain these creatures then they thought they could stop these creatures. Foolish humans, we all know there is only one God Lizzard with enough fight and bite to get the job done.
It’s a very uneven film, where Godzilla succeeds is in the epic scale of destruction, Honolulu, Vegas, San Francisco all experience some destruction unfortunately most of it is the aftermath. Only takes a beating before your eyes. That is part of the problem there is too much focus on the humans at the expense of the Godzillas screen time.
Grade- 72